I got back like 30mins ago from Subang Parade for my spelling competition and I was expecting to be knocked out the very moment they give me the word. One of the reasons cause previously my school won the State Finals,we finished 3rd and the National Finals....fyi, National CHAMPION!!!! So we were all expecting hard words cause we proved we're good and we're no underdogs in this competition! Everyone knew our school, even a stranger I made friends with knew about our reputation. So the pressure was intense....phow~ that is pressure man....
Of all the things to happen is that we were the 1st batch...LOL!!!!! LMAO!!!! I was just about done listening to the briefing and was gonna try to relax and then....(voice from speaker) SMJK Kwang Hua.....WHAT!!!!! 1st batch again!!!! Last year was also the 1st batch....lol...all I could do was up walk up the stage feeling nervous and walk to my seat...that was all...Thankfully I'm the 4th speller so I wasted no time in keeping my cool...
Of all the things that could happen, the very 1st person to walk up the mic to spell (the very beginning)...spelled his word wrongly,don't call me trying to be smart but that word is very simple to spell...I was shock when he spelled it wrongly and imagine the pressure piling up already with the 1st person getting the word wrong...After a few people who got it wrong, then came my turn (drum rolls)..........(Presenter) Your word is 'APLOMB'.....That moment I was stunned. I've never heard of that word so I just used my phonetic skills and made a wild guess....(Me) Aplomb...A.P.L.O.M.B............(looks at presenter,feeling nervous)....E? (time left 5 sec) Let me try that again...(spelled faster) A.P.L.O.M.B......Thank God the presenter made an exception for me cause I didn't pronounce the word after I spelled it...Thank God I got my 1st word right...So like of the 4 schools on stage, only our school still have our 4 contestants qualified for the 2nd round...phew~
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